LOGLINE: Will finds himself lost from reality when he is perceived by others to be someone else.
TAGLINE: Who is our real self?
Schrödinger's Cat came about simply because I like the name as a title. The original idea of Schrödinger's Cat came from quantum physicist Erwin Schrödingers who proposed a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition using a hypothetical cat to illustrate the two states that it can exist in, until an observation of it is made. Besides using that title as a starting point for the script, I also wanted to work in a recently restored projection room at my studio. The 20 minute length of a reel of film was a perfect timelock to motivate the ending of the film. Making Will be part of a movie was easy since I could use the existing studio sets that were already standing, and using a real building next door that had a hydraulically lowered facade was also something that I always considered working into a movie. I also was at a film festival when it ended I was able to film in the real theater auditorium for a couple of hours. Easter eggs that I inserted in the movie to suggest what the next episode would be about were a Midnight Mystery #7 comic book about a revolt of a robot, and a Space Adventures comic book about a space station. There is a 2001, A Space Odyssey HAL monitor hanging on the lab set wall, and some dialogue from that movie spoken when the cat trainer is reading to Penny from the script. In the projection room the projectionist is reading the magazine The Reel Deal with the story "Robot Runs Amuck" and outside the theater is the one sheet poster with the title "While The Cat's Away" which is the title of the next episode.

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